The Sidhapur Story

Author: Mamata Volvoikar / Labels: ,

Yes yes! This is in India. A visual treat of hybrid styles called Sidhapur.

Some un-posted letters.


The Other Speakers

Author: Mamata Volvoikar / Labels:

It was an honour to be among some of the great achievers in their respective fields.
Here is what I could absorb.

My Presentation

Author: Mamata Volvoikar /

Some images of the presentation I shared.

Back to the Past

Author: Mamata Volvoikar / Labels: ,

Hello All.
It has been a long time since I made my last post on this very first blog of mine. The reason I am back after almost two years is due to a mail that I received. It had an invitation to attend a Management Training Program on Heritage Walk. A reason for me to go back! And I was on my way to experience or rather do the India Walk in a week's time, as the program had participants from almost every state of the country.