...and I thought I knew it all...

Author: Mamata Volvoikar /

What is the time taken to complete the walk from the start to the end without the guide?
Which is the youngest building?
Who is your target group?
What are you Branding?

These were some of the few questions asked to me by my Guide, Tarun Deep Girdhar, on my first guide visit on 6th March'09. And I was blank! I had a lot more research to do.

He clarified that Data Collection can be divided into,

And what I had collected was data based on observation and had a lot of factual data missing. Only then, would I be able to analyze the data well.

About Branding, it was not a PRODUCT, nor a SERVICE that I was branding, but the EXPERIENCE.

I still had to find out who my exact target group is. There is a lot of talking to be done with the people who visit the walk, the ones living in the city and people in general, in and around the city.

There are two ways of going about it,
1. WHAT? ( to tell...)
2. HOW? ( to tell...)


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