The present Identity and Brochure

Author: Mamata Volvoikar /

This is the identity presently used by the AMC ( Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation) for Heritage Walk of Ahmedabad.

The Quadrilateral shape stands for the fighter kite, as 'the Kite Festival' is a major aspect of Gujarat. In the background it has the 'Jali' pattern found in the Islamic architecture of Ahmedabad. This is the badge that is given to every visitor attending the walk.

The brochure given before the walk begins.

The brochure opens with the carved wooden doors of Ahmedabad. It has the map of the walk, a brief introduction about the history and the concept of walk and some photographic images of the places of interest scattered around.


V said...

Hi, I will be visiting Ahemdabad shortly and I wish to do the Heritage walk. Can you please tell me how I can get hold of somebody who can guide me thru it.


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